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For students


You are a student in the area of life sciences and don’t know how to structure your thesis, how to write an appealing discussion or which information belongs in the introduction? BioDoks helps you with all issues related to writing a Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis. If you got stuck and don’t know how to continue, BioDoks provides useful support that gets you back on track.

BioDoks supports you, even if you already completed the writing process and you would like your thesis to be edited by someone who understands the scientific content AND knows how to write and structure a thesis properly. Professional editing of your thesis before submitting it to your supervisor will definitively leave a positive mark and might even increase your final grade.

Stefanie Flunkert sitzt mit Laptop an einem Garten-Tisch

For Supervisors

You are a supervisor in the area of life sciences and just can’t catch up with the huge load of editing requested by your students and researchers? BioDoks can help by editing and proofreading your students’ theses, scientific manuscripts, abstracts and posters for you. No matter if major restructuring or only proofreading is needed, BioDoks can reduce your work load, resulting in a faster completion of students’ thesis and faster peer-review publication of your research.

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